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We provide personalized bespoke electrical services. We pride ourselves in delivering prompt, efficient, and creative solutions by successfully combining the best to offer in traditional and cutting-edge technology. Our belief is that constant & honest communication is critical in making the Mbalisto Energy Solutions (MES) experience electrifying.

Maintaining ongoing strong relationships with our clients is integral to our work ethic. We attribute our success to client satisfaction and positive referrals. Word of mouth is our strongest marketing tool and is central to securing our continued success. Transparency and constant communication ensure that clients are given our highest level of service.

Mbalisto Energy Solutions’ company growth is directly attributed to our employees’ teamwork and collective experience. We strive to provide our employees with the opportunity to grow and learn by providing a professional environment and constantly delivering the highest level of service and workmanship possible.

  • Substation’s construction & maintenance
  • Electrification projects
  • Transmission lines up to 132KV, (planning,
    profiling, designing & templating)
  • ABC distribution network
  • Supplying of switch gears and transformers
  • Routine maintenance of switchgear, minsubstations,
    substations, transformers
  • Reticulation: MV and LV
  • Street light replacement
  • Service connections: 11KV/400V up to 5MVA
  • Installation, convention, and interruption of
    prepaid meters and meter audits
  • Electricity and water meter readings